Sunday, August 19, 2007

My favourite websites and the reason why.

In no apparent order:

This is a website with some basic Zulu phrases.I like Zulu as a language,and not the least being the fact that to use taxis in Johannesburg.Your Zulu has to be believable:)Most taxi drivers are Zulu,but it doesnt end there.Zulu is also a township language.And in townships in Gauteng in South Africa,people could be from whatever part of ethnic South Africa,bu t they would speak Zulu.Zulu can be heard in soapies,Kwaito music and townships mailny.
This is myspace website.Im hoping to really launch my MLM ambitions here and meet like minded people.The traffic here is phenomenal and its subscription base is very broad.
This is the first South African newspaper which I visit daily.The name comes from an adjective from the most famous township in South Africa,Soweto.The name Soweto is an acronymn for South Western Townships.Although I did not grow up in townships my six years in Johannesburg gave me a feel of what life in Soweto could be like.It has a colourful political heritage (Nelson Mandela and other political activists lived there) and dynamic social atmosphere for many Black South Africans living in Gauteng.
Need I say more?I have a separate article commemorating the rise and rise of Google in this blog.
This is a service that allows me and other youthful,backpackers to crash at other ¨couchsurfers¨places around the world.Its an excellent networking tool as well.The main value comes from the ease of asking if you could surf someone´s couch,or meet for coffee,and then do it.The other good thing is members can be verified,and through profiles a potential surfer can make up their mind about surfing a couch according to interests,personality etc.I have had the humbling pleasure of hosting a wonderful person.She had lived in Lesotho,and could speak Sesotho,so we hit it off from there and she was a devout Christian so she enriched my Christian life. Where are you Krisy:)
Prior to my move to Spain,I was in a frustrating job,and as an outlet I tried my hand at a website.It was to be a woman´s magazine.It was also conceived to elevate myself out of feelings of non-appreciation and having being overlooked for a top position in a university club.There have been many moments like this...the buoyancy effect of negative feelings.If I get a ¨no¨,or a ¨you wont make it¨I rise.I thank God for this spirit.I mean I got excluded from university once,and I fought back.Through tears,doctor´s notes,pain,inferior feelings,shame God spurred me on!Anyway,back to the wesbite,one of the company owners my online magazine partner and I were approaching for a sponsorship,was nice enough to say even though our business plan sucked etc I should check out Eliot Wasmund´s blog.I fell in love with the idea of blogging,and being an info junkie( I have happily accepted this nickname from a good varsity friend),I tumbled into the online profitmaking,netowking,info-sharing,idea generating world.Though Im still not established in terms of niche and consistency.Im definitely doing better.I have since stumbled accross (StumbleUpon:) dynamic young people like Ivan who encouraged me through his story and achievements to start today.Its not too late to dream and cultivate.

Its 1:10am in Madrid,and I will finish this long-awaited article some other time!