Sunday, November 25, 2007

More solutions than problems

Dear Blogreader,

I am currently reading ¨10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives¨ by Laura Schlessinger.Its such an eye-opener for all types of women.We all know some of the stories Laura Schlessinger shares from her radio show days and which are documented in this book.These stories are either personal and or of other women we know.I like her tone in addressing the issues,and of course the title of the book sets the tone for a thought-provoking read.I admit some of the stories are shocking as to how they could happen,but then there are subtle ideas that are empowering and make for a great turnaround from female self-destructive behaviour.The author´s biography is ¨interesting¨ in its own right,but it takes nothing away from this book´s intentions to throw some truths back at women to do something about their approach to relationships with men in general.

Enjoy and some comments are welcome


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Time units

To find out what an hour is...Ask perfomer on stage

To find out what 30 minutes are...Ask a traveller who misses a flight

To find out what a 15 minutes are...Ask a student who couldnt complete an exam

To find out what a 5 minutes are...Ask a interviwee who arrives late

To find out what a 1 minutes is...Ask an F1 driver about to overturn another driver

To find out what a one second is...We both know.Or maybe we dont acknowledge anymore.However,its every breathe we take.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Publish my photo

My top 10 favourite books

Dear blogreader,

My top 10 books so far are a mixed array of genre and language.I love it like that.

In no particular order they are:

The Alchemist--Paulo Coehlo
Confienso que he vivido--Pablo Neruda
Things fall apart--Chinua Achebe
Maru--Bessie Head
The world is flat--Thomas Friedman
Think and Grow Rich--Napoleon Hill
Rich Dad,Poor dad--Robert Kiyosaki
The road not taken--Robert Frost
The impossible only takes a little bit longer--Art Berg
Life without Limits--Robert B. Stone,PH.D

Let the list grow much longer in the coming months...



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Acquire a million Euros

Dear Blogreader,

Today I decided to put this as an activity and do each day one thing to achieve this dream.I want to achieve this goal by December 31 2008!

The deadline is set.
The objective is clear.
Im confident the-how will become clear every day(like Les Brown say HOW is none of my business)
All I need to work on is myself,daily.
Honour all my commitments
Do as I intend and intend as I want to do.
Keep the company of above-average people.Simply put,people who are smarter,more spiritual than me!



Monday, November 19, 2007

Branding and Facebook!

Dear Blogreader,

This was interesting to read.Please click here.

Till soon,


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dont mix social lives

Dear Blogreader,

I have realised that it can be tricky gathering many different people I know in diffferent circumstances together.Well,I actually alwasy knew this but thought,lets be a happy family and it didnt work so well.

Well,apart from this social sore-thumb,the weekend went well.I went to a Christmas Bazaar and met some wonderful people.I bought lots of self-development books.My favourite being,Dr. Laura Schlezzinger´s ¨10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives.¨.I have some exciting personal finance material as well all bought at rock-bottom prices.

Till soon,

Lets keep being introspective.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Postmortem of Presentation No 2

Dear Blogreader,

I had a second home party/presentation at home.Only 2 out of the 8 expected people I asked arrived.This time I followed up more people and sent reminders but this did not prove effective.Anyway,the one thing I would say I learnt from this experience was that every presentation polished up on your professionalism and content.You get more questions so you learn what you know and what you dont and this is ALWAYS important for any budding marketer.The second lesson was that bringing people out to a home meeting can raise some resistance etc.The best thing is to weave any networking concept into a conversation without trying to sell a person.Lead with the program,not the product!

Let the learning continue.

Till soon!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lessons from hiccups

Dear blogreader,

An arb observation:One lesson from hiccups is that,if you still have breath you can still live...and they always pass!

So lets live.Lets get up after every hiccup or stumble.

Till soon,


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What can you do in 3 minutes?

Dear blogreader,

I opened this page just before midnight to write this so I could have something written before the day ¨closes¨.And now I have an opportunity to write after 0:00am which means its 2 articles on 2 days in a matter of minutes.How we think about time is an act of higher consciousness!Therefore thats what I could do in 3 minutes!It would be nice to hear what you got done in a similar time frame¿?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 46 November 2007

Dear Blogreader,

This week I will be implementing plans to leverage my time and optimise my resources.There is a huge financial,sales and marketing pressure to achieve objectives this month.The fact that I have moved into a bigger room in my apartment should assist with with my general organizational skills and preparedness to take on every day and measure my daily activities accordingly.

My week´s objectives are as follows:

1.Get quotations for marketing materials for both product sales and business opportunity from my network marketing company
2.Prepare and get business cards designed
3.Advertise in ¨locutorios¨,at universities on the internet and in some key mass media like ¨Raiz¨.

Till soon,

Take care,

God bless

Cowboy´s Code

Dear blogreader,

It is 2:08am and I am minutes away from finishing the book Cowboy´s Code by Joe Schroeder.The book is absolutely riveting.The tone is very tongue-in-the-cheek but also thought provoking.I think the case Joe Schroder makes for effective marketing is only outrageous because it is so true.I think each time I look at successful corporations like Microsoft and McDonald´s I will always recall what he says about psychology and the numbers game.I am only starting out on his wavepage and splashpage websites and this book was thoroughly enjoyable and educative.He speaks from the voice of a ¨maestro¨and who can blame him?The man has been on the front covers of UPLINE, Small Business, Profit Now, and Cutting Edge magazines as well as having been voted #1 MLM course by Profit Now.I like his brutal honesty and simple to implement marketing ideas.His products are retail and this is appealing to any network marketer who struggles to close sales orassociate so easily.He does not sell,he markets and he is generous enough to share samples of this info on this website See his short biography here taken from the magazine sixfigureincome.

This morning I was also inspired by Mr Warren Buffet´s 10 videoclips taken during a speech at a graduation of an MBA program from youtube.The man endorses simple concepts as a way of making profitable stocks options.Some of the Buffetology includes advice to buy stocks of a company whose business the investor knows,choosing business with good product where good product equals strong brand and loyalty from customer and a company with good management among other criteria.I thought he made simple sense and that appealed to me.I recalled once I asked advice from an actuary friend about stock options and got one of the vaguiest answers ever.I maintain that true knowledge and skill in a subject means the subject can be explained to a child and they will be able to catch the concept.Anyway,to read the rest of the profile of the charmed life of Warren Buffet,click here.

Watch out for his memorable quote about habit from the viodeoclip...He says the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Another long weekend

Dear Blogreader,

I really like these long weekends,but would like them more if I converted them to targeted marketing and sales.Its natural for me at this stage to want to be productive and seriously measure my days in terms of intention against what I really got done.Well,since all the porters were on holiday,I didnt go marketing my products.Anyway,I intend to put more ads online,and even do targeted marketing to rstaurants and other businesses online!The directory will come in handy!

Another good reason to enjoy long weekends is the prospect of movie watching.I have listed here ten most popular movie quotes in no particular order:

. "I'll be back." ('The Terminator')
2. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." ('Gone With The Wind')
3. "Beam me up, Scotty." ('Star Trek')
4. "May the force be with you." ('Star Wars')
5. "Life is like a box of chocolates." ('Forrest Gump')
6. "You talking to me?" ('Taxi Driver')
7. "Show me the money." ('Jerry Maguire')
8. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" ('Dirty Harry')
9. "Here's looking at you, kid." ('Casablanca')
10. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner." ('Dirty Dancing')

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The power of follow-up

Dear blogreader,

Today I followed up on some sales,and it was a good experience.I had a 50% sales conversion from 2 warm contacts from a week earlier.If this is a long weekend again,guess who will be commercialising to the porters this weekend?

¡Yours truly!

I wish you success too,one step at a time!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

You are evicted!

Dear Blogreader,

My former flatmate about whom I wrote and shared the way she made me rethink about the practice of dog-eating in some cultures has been evicted.She had done a series a things that made her estranged from the rest of us in the apartment.However,when she came back with a friend from a halloween party and didnt make any effort to quietly settle in,the lessor had had his last straw.Im happy that we had made peace with all the differences we had before she was evicted.My main observation of her was how she got close to us,and suddenly drew away and was distant.She explained to me that she is generally a reserved,introverted person so even after the outgoing side we got to know,she retreated to who she really was.

Anyway,I hope you are happy wherever you are,Kim!I have learnt something from you.

Friday, November 2, 2007

How to see website history

Dear Blogreader,

Here is a short explanation of seeing or recalling website visit history in case you want to revisit delete the websites.A colleague shared this with me.

I hope it is useful in some way.

If you are using Internet explorer 7, you click the yellow star icon(top left) that gives you access to the favorites.There is an option for 3 tags (Favorites, Feeds, History),click on history, there you have all the websites you have visited in the last several days spanning into weeks by date (Hopefully if no one deleted them and your browser is configured normally)

For the previous version of Internet Explorer, you have in the tools bar a button history (Clock with an arrow around it), click on it and you will get in the left part of the browser the window with the website you visited in the last days.

I hope that the concepts were explained in a good way and all this information is useful in some way.

Best Regards and Till Soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The day after Halloween

I had a fantastic time with my friend Susie and will post our Halloween pictures soon.We were dressed as soldiers.I had a whistle with which I had great fun making shocking noises in lime with the party theme:)I blew the wistle along the House music tunes the DJ was playing and even added the sound to the one man perfomer who did Nickelback´s ¨Remind me¨ justice.

Today I stumbled upon this article about the way some new millionairres in America choose to not lead extravagant lives and rather make lifestyle choices around family values.What and how would your life change if money was no object?Do you think displaying materialism is bad?

This article is a forerunner to an article I will be posting which answers the question ¨What is my net present value¨ by evaluating all the real accumulated assets a person has and of course all the liabilities as well.

Read the article here.