On my recent trip over the long weekend due to the La Fiesta de Pilar holiday to Edinburgh (which I will comment about in another blog entry:)).I thoroughly enjoyed eating on both my forward and return flights to my stopover in Frankfurt from Madrid.The dish was all vegeterian and it was really good.I am not a vegeterian but I enjoyed the food.The first one was Tortellini with brocoli* sauce,smoked cheese, and olives.Even though it was warmed it was delicious and satisfying.The the second one was called Zeitweizen pesto.I just tried to google this dish and could not find a reasonable recipe in English or Spanish.The two versions were in German and in Euskara.I assume this is because Zeitweizen pesto borrows some gastronomic culture from both regions.I will be happy to hear more if anyone knows more about these two dishes.Even though I am not a vegeterian,I have found out in the unlikeliest place the pleasures of green gourmet.I have since superficially researched all aspects of sky servings and came up with different points of view from weight watchers who also happen to be frequest flyers,to holiday flight food,to servings advise for long haul flights.
*I had to look for the spelling:)