My licence to write.I will write what burns inside.That is what I will express.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yesterday:Day 1 of Series 1 thing that scares me
Well,yesterday,I went to a Metro entrance in the area where the office and centre of the MLM Business Im involved with is.I started putting up posters and notices around the area,then I stood at the top of the stairs and waited.You know,sometimes fear can reason very ¨logically¨to rob you of potential growth.So alittle voice said,well,there are not so many people.But I resisted,and then people started to stream out.I started by just stretching out a hand.Like the analogy made by one successful Mexican couple who are diamonds,I had to remember the statistics that musicians who entertain for royalties on the Metros knew.In fact,Metro musicians swear by this statistical evidence.The probability of all possibilities.Therefore,I wont and I dont think even these musicians will be able to tell the exact distribution of the number of people who will like the music and donate money,and those who wont.It might be a whole coach that does not donate,or 5 out of a total of 10 passengers might donate.But someone will.So back to my story,there were people who took itjust t be nice(It also made me feel nice...Perhaps I should apply the Law of Attraction such that I not only find it acceptable that people read take and read the flyers just to be nice.I want them to be moved,walked few steps back to where I am,and ask more question)Anyway some said no,some waved no,some gave me a stern ¨Dont even think about it¨look,some took a flyer just to throw it in the next nearby bin(I have done this while in Johannesburg.How bitter the medicine tastes when the doctor himself has to drink it:().Anyway,like the analogy made by the couple,when you approach people(or a situation) with an opportunity,there will be multiple reactions.The good thing to remeber is that people dont reject you,they reject the opportunity.Having said that,I am not putting presentation very lightly.Yesterday,at a training of hair products under the brand Satinique,we were reminded of the fact that we needed to act the part.Aint no one gonna buy a antidandruff shampoo from someone whose hair is dusting off some dandruff.Anyway,i would say my frist day,of doing One thing that scares me went okay.I even got an appointment from an interested gentleman for next Tuesday.I admit now,that some days I will give out flyers,and no one would call,I pray to survive this situations with more lustre,more ambition and more determination and hope.This will be the point,where it really counts.Another positive moment was that i meant an insiprational young woman,who lives in Barcelona,and who is really making it in the MLM business and our company there.She had a few pointers to share(one of the things I like about this business is the ideal we live that your success is my success irrespective of whether the person is upline or downline).For now,Aluta Continua.Keep Praying for me,I fall sometimes.
One step at a time.