We hear many things that urge us to hasten our efforts because time is not on our side.One of the most profound and practical being ¨ripping a day off a calendar at the end of every day and saying,here goes another day of my life¨.The question that comes after this feeling that time escapes us,is whether we have used some of the time which we could ¨freeze¨ wisely.Say years from now,call it twilight years,or a decade from now...I could even be dramatic and say this time tomorrow.Can I honestly say,yesterday was a day well spent.So if I want to feel that way tomorrow about today I will do things differently.Ideally we know the things that wont matter much in our twilight years,those things include presentations at work,weekend fashions or entertainment...at least I hope not.I want to have abundant memories,of time spent with loved ones,I want to know more about them starting yesterday,than office gossip.I want to know the details of my sisters dreams more than the details of a promotion package.I will not miss my sisters important dates,like birthdays,matric dinners,graduations unless I have to(being out of the country is one reason).I want to extend this resolution to the family God has planned for me.All in God´s time,but I pray I use that time productively!
I heard the expression make it count for the first time from my bestfriend at a basketball match.Each time a baller had a freethrow,she would shout ¨make it count¨.I got to understand that the expression draws its strong significance because,the chance to make a basket can be realised or not in that moment.So,therefore the baller had to make a freethrow the basket,score the shot in order to make it count.I think about that making it count analogy,in small tasks too because they count towards a bigger goal.They all count towards a bigger goal.It all matters.