My licence to write.I will write what burns inside.That is what I will express.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Illiterate of the 21st century
There are so many challenges in my transformation right now.Its many things.Those many things are in me.I think its the first breakthrough that I recognice that Im the reason for my inertia and inaction in my life and MLM Business.
I am glad I have been educating myself.I met a Señora in a bar nearby our apartments after doing my round of putting up announcements and even giving out flyers(in total of 3!)She told me ¨Hay que informarse...¨It is necessary to educate oneself.She told me in order to be a maestra,I need to ¨moverse el culo¨!I stood in awe as she told me how her grandson who was formerly an architect does MLM Business and pulls in big orders.She told me,her grandson dresses up for every occassion.Its more than bread and butter as his company pays for all his trips and accomodation solely in 5 star hotels.Her grandosn realises this is his future and key to financial freedom.I picked up my jaw from the floor after also learning that her grandson sells at a much higher margin.In fact,she revealed this to me after I explained that I do MLM Business.Her first comment was that the products were expensive.I was about to justify that yes they were etecetera,when I received a great lesson.She was not complaining about it,i fact she told me about buying a 40€ lipstick.She opened myself to the fact that there is a market that can sustain exorbitant prices!However,in not so many words,from her Q&A of whether I use make-up myself etc...I got another important lesson.Sam Rehnborg,while in a seminary in Madrid earlier this year said, ¨be the product of your product¨.So yeah,the lesson is with my unplucked eyebrows and dry lips and unnourished scalp,could I really sell ¨high quality beauty and skin care products¨ to millions of men and women who want to invest their appearances in a reputable product.Shoo,Im humbled to say I have learned an obvious lesson.In fact through arogance or ignorance I have mumbled in my thoughts that even though I look unkempt,I can study the product and as long as I give information and samples I can sell.My,my my was I wrong!Presentation is king my friends.And when the señora kept tellling me that when you educate yourself,and you learn more you raise your class.Then you also associate with a higher class of people.You transcat in business deals with these people.Money,success begets more money,success begets more success my friends!
My favourite quotes here
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
Alvin Toffler