Thursday, July 12, 2007

What is in a word?

There is a new addition of words in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition.This has got my attention.This inclusion is indicative of the evolution of the English language according to ¨environmental¨ influence of information sources and their targets.However,this environment is not global.These environmental changes are due to socio-political and economical changes.The types words and whether they get considered for the position in the dictionary depends on( you´ve guessed it)who uses the words and how they are communicated.Well according to the dictionary editors they actually follow a thorough investigative process.Check out the process.

Therefore a medium like the internet as well other global communication networks plus social evolutions amplify the use and frequent apperance of a word.Im sure you will agree that its no suprise that sudoku and speed-dating have made the list.The other interesting observation about the merriam webster online dictionary is that it offers audio pronounciations.To this, it claims that if there are several ways of pronouncing a word,then there are no right or wrong ways to do so.Now I read this morning about how Angelina Jolie´s partner, Brad Pitt doesnt understand the attention towards him and his looks.He insisted he is ¨pretty banal¨(Modest guy,huh:)).That was so amusing to read,I had to listen to the pronounciation on Merriam Webster,and imagine which pronounciation he used:)
To view the rest of the 100 words please check click here