Yesterday,I had been listening to a video from youtube about The Secret (again):).Well,I was listening to the basic steps of getting the Law of Attraction to work in my life.The instructions and steps were easy and one thing I would say would wrap them all up is consistency.Today,however,Im not feeling all that consistent.My friends and I spent last night at an informal gettogether/house party involving impromptu cooking and loud music.Therefore Im feeling groggy at 11am.However,Im lucky because I actually had my 8 hours of sleep.Well,I struggle with getting up sometimes;)However over-sleeping wont get me far at all.The bible says it,wisdom says it.In fact waking up at dawn allows a person to start the day freshly.To start the day having seen dawn,felt the breeze of morning air and the crispness definitely is a self-starter.So my next goal is to spring put of bed.Im on my pursuit of happyness,Im on my way to living The Secret.I leave you with some steps to being successful at pursuing and achieving goals and dreams.
Step 1:Decide to get rich
This is deemed to be the one important and key step.When you decide to get rich you shift gears out of neutral,and this is really getting rid of any inertia in your life.Remember making no decision,is making a decision in itself.
Step 2:Visualise the life you want:
Close your eyes every morning when you wake up and night before you sleep to imagine the lifestyle you want.This programs your unconscious mind to come up with solutions,and seeing things in your environment that are opportunities.
Step 3:Study Getting Rich
Read books on how to get rich,how to develop your finances etc
Step 4:Associate with already successful and rich people
This is called networking.Figure out how to get into their circle of influence.Read their books,attend their seminars.Fly first class every once in a while,join the country club.Hang out around them then you will start to learn to think like them.Someone put it another way and said,hang out with above-average people.
All the above steps Jack Canfield discusses in details.Here is the presentation here:
See also: Bob Proctor,Jack Beckwith
Check out:http://www.scienceofgettingprosperous.com/