Tuesday, July 31, 2007

First day of the rest of my life...

Tomorrow is...First day of the rest of my life.This is not only because tomorrow is the first of the month.Its also because,today I have lived today,realising I could still do more.The sales effort was a good second step in my MLM business.Selling can be intimidating.Therefore you can imagine the compounded nervousness of selling in one´s third language.To add excitement to this mix,there was a downline monitoring this process.My downline member is an expert in the sales of these particular products.I learnt a whole lot from him.The lessons are a combination of read material and simply going for it knowing people reject the psoduct not the seller.Another great illustration to focus on is to adopt the statistical knoledge of Metro artsists.They play instrumenys or sing in the true understanding the statistical application of probability that maybe not one,not two and not 10 people wont sponsor their efforts with change,but the leventh person will.They understand they might sing their hearts out and only to have the whole coach not offer them their silver coins,but the next coach probably will.Therefore it just boils down to how much a person wants to triumph.What is it,that makes me function in these environments of zero comfort,what is it that will allow me to take the next step with my chest out and head up after a potential client has curtly shut me up as I started to introduce myself.¨WHAT IS IT???I¨Les Brown the answer to this simple question is compelling,then the human spirit can endure and overcome.

Check out the following brief points about selling and marketing.

Selling Yes-Yes:

  • Sell benefits,not products

  • Minimise selling risk

Selling No-No´s

  • Nobody wants to be sold