Im sure you have come accross the expression,not making a decision is making a decision in itself.In one of my previous blogs I lamented from a sort of paralysis.Well,I was glad to find out that this was self-induced.This way I know I am the cause,and have a better idea of how to mobillise myself than for instance if the cause was external.
This finding is important to me for many reasons.One of them simply being breaking the cycle of procrastination.Its easier to get impatient with otheer people´s indecision but excuse your own.Then the expression,¨bite the bullet¨comes into play.The need to persevere and be consistent in our methods.The resolution to fortify our minds.This in the form of what we feed our minds and souls.Mental nutrition initiates and develops self-confidence.It has no place for fear and low self-esteem.Then the next step is mental fitness.How well you handle crisis,challenges.Analogous to physical activity,mental fitness is gained from allowing oneself to reach and surpass the threshhold of negativity,stress triumphantly.This does not happen overnight.Like all things worth having,it takes time to develop.Many situations will test it.Some of the signs of mental fitness include consistency,discipline and dedication.
I happened to get my periodic newsletter from a renowned internet marketer on the same topic.I like the way he lays it all out.Here is the piece from Stephen Pierce on this issue:
¨I tend to relish my "Results Addiction" while it seems most people I meet around the world suffer from severe"Information Intoxication."Information Intoxication is about the chasing, buying storing and hoarding of information in the form of books,newsletter subscriptions, courses, seminars, webinars,etc.You become intoxicated by the experience of buying that new piece of software or that new course that just launched or joining that new membership site.But you suffer from "action paralysis." Which means you're greatest and most intense emotions are attached tothe acquisition of new information and not the implementation of it.You find yourself to be a great buyer of informationby a lousy user and implementer of it.You say you suffer from information overload but you continue to buy new stuff and remain trapped in the pincers of knowing -vs- doing.
Information overload is a myth. A myth that if you buy into it can destroy your future?Why?Because all wars are information wars. And you can never have too much information to win.All things being considered, the difference between success and failure can be traced back to having the right information at the right time and exploiting it fast.Would you ever hear a General in the Military say "that's too much information on our enemies."Would Warren Buffet ever say "that's too much informationon that company I'm considering investing in?"No way.Why is that?Because information the "heart beat" of strategic advantage and being competitive.Right now your way of handling information may look like this.
1. Receive it.
2. Open it.
3. Read it.
4. Store or delete it.
Those days are over.So here are "7 Steps to Information Mastery" that you can use to thrive in this world where we have an abundance of information.
1. Develop a system for gathering information.
2. Have a way of filtering the info to weed out the irrelevantand extract only that which contributes to your priorities.
3. Have a way of condensing, prioritizing and indexing your info.
4. Interpret and translate the information via an evaluationand analysis process.
5. Turn the information into actionable strategies, tactics and/or techniques.
6. Use the information in a timely fashion.
7. Measure the impact.
You see, the issue is NOT an overabundance of information,it's more of a systems issue in being able to manage information.The real value of information is not found in what's written it's located in the impact it has on your priorities when you use it.You can have the winning lottery number written down, however it's useless if you didn't play the number.
God Bless YOU and YOURS,Stephen Pierce¨
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